Latest news & events


albert   |  events   |   21/08/2023

The aim of LANET is to provide with a forum to join all scientists who are somehow related to the research on Network Science in Ibero America. The rapid growth of the field of Network Science in the last two decades has manifested in the form of schools, workshops and conferences in Ibero America. However, the creation of LANET as a stable and periodic forum devoted to Network Science will further spur the formation of research groups interested in the field and help to establish it as a discipline across Ibero American Universities and Research Institutions.

Bibliometrics application

albert   |  events   |   09/01/2023

Wish to see your network of coauthors in scientific publications? Want to have your bibliometrics data at hand? Interested in unveiling collaboration patterns? CLabB (part of @UBICS & @datascienceUB) developed a free an interactive app

Short tutorial available in the web clicking at “About” and here. Two types of queries are available: - File with ORCID codes - Query about Affiliation names (ROR for institutions), Authors (ORCID), ISSN, Keywords, or combinations.

Output is a list of papers fulfilling conditions. Each paper with full bibliographic information, DOI link, citation number & different rankings. The query can be edited, refined and papers with too many authors filtered out.

You can directly get: • CSV file with details • Summary with number of papers, citations, and quartiles (Citescore) • Network of coauthorships. Filter by minimum number of publications and authors

Recent publications

Three-state opinion model with mobile agents

I. Ferri; A. Gaya-Ă€vila; A. DĂ­az-Guilera
Chaos 33 093121 (2023)

Diffusion capacity of single and interconnected networks

Tiago A. Schieber, Laura C. Carpi, Panos M. Pardalos, Cristina Masoller, Albert DĂ­az-Guilera, MartĂ­n G. Ravetti
Nature Communications 14 2217 (2023)

Three-State Opinion Model on Complex Topologies

Irene Ferri, Conrad PĂ©rez-Vicente, Matteo Palassini, Albert DĂ­az-Guilera
Entropy 24 1627 (2022)

© 2025 Albert Diaz-Guilera